Puntas Arenas

Well, were back in Chile now. 4,000km away from where we last were in the country. But were back!

Puntas Arenas is a medium sized Patagonian city, and Chile’s hub for the region. The main tourist stuff here is again Magellan penguins, but the tours here were three times as expensive as Argentina, so we skipped it. Instead we decided to do a walk along the coastline to some shipwrecks.

The walk was somewhat disappointing. The coastline was beautiful. You could see the faint outlines of Isla Tierra del Fuego across the channel, but to the other side of us was the largest road in Puntas Arenas. We had to converse in between the frequent passing cars. Eventually we made it to the shipwreck’s, went “well, this is cool,” and proceeded to walk back.

The other way on the boardwalk was nice. There were some art installations along the coast with the nautical themes of the town.

We had choripan for lunch, which is this sausage paste in a small bun. Taste’s way better than it sounds. We also had banana milk with that, which was also delicious.

Dinner was had at a seafood restaurant around the corner from our hostel. We ordered a seafood risotto, which ended up more like seafood rice, and a seafood soup. Both were delicious. Seafood along the ocean here was freshly caught, and you could tell. We also had some calamari and pil-pil shrimp, which we were happy to see on the menu so far away from where we first had it (Atacama).

The rest of the day, and our time here, was spent preparing for another massive independent trek in the very near future. We have to get all of our penguins in a row, fixing glasses, getting food, and everything else. We did have a really nice brunch the second morning, of smoked salmon eggs benedict and pancakes. They were a nice surprise.

So now, were off. We won’t be posting for a while, we won’t be in contact for a while. Going out into the wilds deep into Patagonia, for what many online pundits rate as the most beautiful trek in the world. It should be a little overcrowded, a little busy, a little sanitized. But it should be beautiful. We will see you on the other side, hopefully in one piece!

3 thoughts on “Puntas Arenas”

  1. Viaje seguro! Safe travels and safe trekking. With your penguins in a row and your glasses fixed, all will be well. We await your return.

  2. Hope that Patagonia fulfills its’ signature hype, a feather in the hat for global travelers. Look forward to your photos, trek on!

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