Adventure Updates

It’s a new chapter for us now, and a new section of the world. South Asia, or more specifically India. We arrived near midnight after a long day at the DMK Bangkok airport. The arrival was quite...
Southeast Asia Roundup
Coming from almost 6 months South America, we were ready for a whole different side of the world. And that’s what we got, but it wasn’t all that was imagined for us. There’s really...
Thai Food
A couple years ago, Graham and I went to Victoria and had one of the best meals of our lives. We went to a restaurant called Bahn Thai, which was recommended to us by and older couple we had met hiking...
Koh Phangan
Its real easy to get used to luxury. We just came from a gift card stay at the Koh Samui Ritz. So when we got to our little mattress on the floor AC-less room in Koh Phangan, it took a bit of getting used...
Koh Samui
Time to relax. At this point in our adventures, we are spent. So an active decision to go to some Thai islands, and just chill out. Do some planning if we want. Read some books. Lie down. Goof off....
Vang Vieng
From the peaceful serenity of Nong Khiaw to the bizarre overtouristed underbelly of Vang Vieng. This was a strange place to be for a couple days. Our experience in Vang Vieng is interlocked with ours...
Nong Khiaw
Sitting in a jam packed van for three hours took us to this small tourist town. Previously a village centre, Nong Khiaw has slowly expanded and gained notoriety as the fourth major tourist destination...
Kuang Si Waterfall
Just outside of Luang Prabang is a beautiful light baby blue waterfall with numerous swimming holes to enjoy. And as an added bonus in the area, a bear sanctuary! We got a van to the site for a few hours...
Luang Prabang
Laos. The often forgotten country that is snuggled into the rolling hills of Indochina. The difference from Thailand, or any of its neighbors, was immidietly apparent. Gone was the smog and chaos of...
Chiang Rai
It was a long day. But it was a day with a temple and a bus. Heading out of Chiang Mai north to Laos, we had a long journey ahead of us. A near 24 hour travel day to Luang Prabang for our fourth and...