Adventure Updates

Carvoeiro, Algarve
Lets go to the beach! Fun in the sun along this picturesque coastline was magnificent for us. The Algarve coast is a famous vacation destination within Europe, and maybe not so much outside of it. We...
Spanish Food: Flavourful Simplicity
Spanish food. What is it? Most would say it is tapas, paella, and sangria. And that is true. You will find all of those things everywhere and every city has its own variations. What are tapas? Well...
What a hidden gem in the world here. This town is as enchanting as it is beautiful. It slowed us right down, and allowed us to breathe. This town wasn’t part of our original plan. We had originally...
This city is our teenage summer camp romance. A lovely time that ended way to quickly, and you have to hope that they show up again the next year. We had heard from many other travellers that Seville...
Mad Cool 2023
The whole point of going to Madrid was for this music festival. The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Queens of the Stone Age, and all of Cam’s favorite pop stars were there (Lizzo, Lil Nas X, Sam Smith). It...
Party time! Madrid feels bigger than any city we have been to, and that includes Paris and London. The streets are longer and wider, the buildings taller. The parks are grander, the shops go deeper. Everything...
One Month In
Writing this, I(Graham) am in the seaside Portuguese village of Zambujeira do Mar. The town is an offbeat tourist hotspot for travelers attempting to complete the Fisherman’s Trail, a two week walk...
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New country, new friends, new us! Barcelona is quite the vibe. After the disastrously disasterous travel day, we finally made it into Barcelona after a one train three hour journey took five trains...
The Medium Bad No Good Travel Day From Heck
It’s a good idea when you book train tickets to book them on the right day. A frazzled Graham in March didn’t do that, and four months later it turned into a mess. I suppose its a good sign...
French Food: Shattered Expecations
French Food… Where do I begin? French food is viewed as the the pinnacle cuisine. Some of the best chefs in the world are trained in the French cuisine because the techniques and skills are admired...