Camryn & Graham

Diving Right In: Taste of London

Despite Graham’s concern about the conveyor belt swallowing his bag, we and our luggage made it to London. Once we arrived, and balked at the overly expensive SIM card prices (which we did not buy), we got on the train to downtown London and were quickly joined in our train booth by the two most …

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Day 0. About to head to the airport for our 1st day of school

Airport Musings

Hey everyone! We made it through security and baggage check in all right. You don’t give your bag to people anymore, its all contactless. That’s changed since the last time I was here. It’s a little unnerving trusting your bag to the conveyor belt, even through the conveyor belt with the lady next to it …

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Five Days and the Adventure Begins

Hello Friends and Family! Welcome to the travel blog. This is where Graham and I will be documenting the trip so you can stay updated about our where about and activities. We were both officially jobless and homeless on May 29th. We have gone back and forth between Edmonton and Calgary for visits with friends, …

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alberta, canada, lake-2297204.jpg

One Week Out

Well, its officially less than 168 hours until the plane leaves. There’s still a few more physical things to do, namely cancel a bunch of monthly plans, but emotionally there is a lot to do. It’s hard saying goodbye. We left Edmonton for the last time in the near future on Wednesday, and had a …

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