Camryn & Graham


All we wanted was to relax, and that’s what this easy Mediterranean city has to offer. It was perfect. One easy train ride, and an easier walk to the hotel later, and we were in the enchanting city of Montpellier. Here, the twisted corridors of the old town are separated by an ancient wall from …

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This city is beautiful. Two rivers gracefully carving though colorful apartment filled hills give the best cityscapes. Out time here was colorful as well. Many ups and downs. We arrived mid afternoon after a long two train, three hour layover journey from Pontorson. Immediately we were graced with heat and humidity. We were clearly in …

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Mont St Michel

I don’t think anyone has seen a cooler anything than this place. It’s literally a castle on an island. Another 6:00AM train later, and we arrived to the small town of Ponterson, home base on a same day day trip to Mont St Michel. We dropped our bags off at the hotel, then took the …

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Bayeux, Normandie

War is real. Real bad. And the effects were ever present throughout Bayeux [By-you]. We took the 6:00AM train from Paris to this northern city. The air was salty and warm, and the smell was pleasant. We came here for Ty, as he has taken a recent interest in WWII. Bayuex was square in the …

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Cathedrals. Gelato. Cathedrals. Gelato. Eiffel Tower. The summary of our Parisian adventure. We picked Camryn’s little brother, Ty, up from the airport to join us on our French adventure. There’s no better place to start that than in the massive, powerful French capital, Paris. After arriving at the hotel, we were all hot, hungry and …

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This is the place to be. So much brick. Little canals. Plazas everywhere. Bikes everywhere. What a vibe. Bruges is a delight. I highly recommend everyone to go here. The restaurants are expensive, and its definitely catered to tourists, but there is a charming untouched vibe to the city that leaves it enchanting. We arrived …

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One late night train later and we’re on the European continent. The train ride was remarkably smooth and short. High speed rail is amazing. Brussels is a wild city. There is stuff everywhere here. The old downtown pedestrian boulevards meander between architectural masterpieces, with chocolate, waffle, and souvenir shops lining the streets at ground level. …

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Cams Cooking Class Extravaganza

When I first started thinking about this trip, I wanted to do international culinary school at Le Cordon Bleu (LCB). Three months in 3 different countries to get a culinary diploma. Unfortunately, there were a couple problems. Turn out, Le Cordon Bleu offers single day classes so my dream would come true. The LCB in …

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London. What a city. It’s simultaneously massive and tiny. Around every corner is some sort of architecture that would be a feature piece in Alberta (Think Princess Theatre in Edmonton, but everywhere). The streets seemingly have zero sense to them, they bob and weave throughout old stone buildings, stopping and starting wherever they feel like. …

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