Airport Musings

Day 0. About to head to the airport for our 1st day of school

Hey everyone! We made it through security and baggage check in all right. You don’t give your bag to people anymore, its all contactless. That’s changed since the last time I was here. It’s a little unnerving trusting your bag to the conveyor belt, even through the conveyor belt with the lady next to it heads to the same place.

Nerves are high right now. Goodbyes to all four parents were had today, and now its just us versus the world. Or better, us and the world. Its a thrilling and terrifying prospect at the same time. Sure, I’ve been living on my own for 10 years now, but I had a long term home base. They may have changed a lot (12 times in 10 years), but there was always somewhere close to call home. Now “home,” shifts every 4-6 days, something I don’t think I will process until halfway through the adventure.

As I’m typing this, were sat in the food court area, with a piano for music nearby. Other passengers are playing their hearts out as they wait for their own international flights. Every single other person here is either starting their own adventure along side us, finishing theirs, or starting another chapter in their long journey though the world. The calming renditions of a young teenager playing a start and stop Fur Elise with the encouragement of their mother brings a sense of calm to the collective. Or at least, it brings a sense of calm to myself.

Graham, when you read this after the adventure is over, know you were very nervous as soon as you got to the airport. You thought you had processed what was about to happen to your life, and then you watched your carefully manicured and packed backpack get swallowed by the emotionless conveyor belt, and your anxiety spiked. You don’t fully trust your bag will make it. You don’t fully trust…

And as I wrote that last sentence, I realized while the void of the conveyor machine may not be trustworthy, I am. I trust I will make it. Whatever “it,” may be, remains to be determined. And that’s the thrill of the adventure. Airport Thai Express is calling my name now. -Graham


3 thoughts on “Airport Musings”

  1. Vera May William

    So good to hear and my heart is beating somewhat harder for you but I too will trust that all will go well for your exciting adventure that is now beginning. Look forward to your regular reports !! Always in my thoughts and prayers. G’ma William Hope I am doing this right – Is this reaching you? Not sure about a Website.

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