About Us

Camryn is on the left. Kananaskis, AB, Canada. July 2022


I graduated from the University of Alberta in Materials Engineering in 2023. After my degree, I wanted to go to culinary school because I love cooking and learning about different cultures though food. I wanted to attend culinary school after graduation but the international program I wanted to attend was too expensive.  So I swapped that idea out for frequent cooking classes along the way of a worldwide journey.

I have some travelling experience from vacations with family, friends, and school but have never been gone for more than 10 days and usually someone else does the planning. But I am excited to learn and challenge myself with this adventure. 


Hello everyone! I am a 2021 University of Alberta Materials Engineering grad and have spent time working in corrosion mitigation, radio broadcasting and sports commentary previously. The next “career,” is now some sort of worldwide nomad, soaking in as many experiences as I can. 

I was fortunate enough to grow up travelling with my family. Those adventures took me on some non-traditional family journeys, like cycling through the Bagan pagoda fields in Myanmar and free snorkeling off of the coast of Nicaragua. I was always captivated by the history, culture and nature of each location visited. Soaking in different landscapes and ways of life have become my favorite thing to do. 

Graham is upside-down. Maligne Lake, AB, Canada. May 2021