Five Days and the Adventure Begins

Hello Friends and Family!

Welcome to the travel blog. This is where Graham and I will be documenting the trip so you can stay updated about our where about and activities.

We were both officially jobless and homeless on May 29th. We have gone back and forth between Edmonton and Calgary for visits with friends, family, and my graduation.

This is a very emotional and bittersweet time for us. We are excited for the trip but we have been planning this for 1.5 years so the excitement has worn off.

I know we will see you all again but we will miss you dearly and the emotional part of this trip has not quite sunk in.

We are still in Calgary for a couple days and will use this time to cherish the last moments with the family before the trip.

Please feel free to leave a comment below if you want to give us updates, recommendations, or anything else you can think of.

We will keep in touch!

10 thoughts on “Five Days and the Adventure Begins”

  1. I quit my job and travelled for a year, it was life changing and we met some lovely folks along the way who made our experience better and often received a helping hand when we needed it.

    Enjoy your wonderful adventure!

    1. Thanks Sharon! Its good to hear close friends of Glenna have done the same thing and find it rewarding. Thank you for the support. If you have any any advice, let us know 🙂

  2. How exciting for you both! I know you’ll have many adventures during the next year. Take google care of your health … and your feet! There’s going to be a lot of walking I’m sure. Where’s the first stop going to be? (Glenna’s cousin)

  3. Vera May William

    For some reason I have such mixed emotions! Know you two have everything planned down to the very last detail so why am I a little nervous about you going so far for so long?? Do pray each day creates a special memory for you! So look forward to your communications. Love, G’ma William.

    1. Its okay Grandma. Graham and I feel the same emotions you do. Going away for a long period of time also makes me nervous. But I know you and the rest of the family are a quick text or phone call away. I love you and miss you. We will keep you updated

  4. I remember the day last March 2022 when Camryn phoned us to ask our thoughts if after graduating from Engineering, if Mark and I would support her (and her boyfriend’s) decision to travel the world for a year.  Not really thinking it through, our first response was “Sure, but you are not getting any more financial support from us”
    Fast forward 15 months and this date has slowly been creeping up on us… and on Friday, they leave.  WTF?  How did this happen?  What would she have said if we said no?  Is this for real?  She’ll be fine, she’s a smart girl… together they are double smart.
    Afterall, they are no longer kids and they are able to make these decisions on their own and who am I to suggest this around the world experience will not teach them more in life than I have yet to know?  Who am I to suggest they should be focused on getting their career started so they can invest in a home and start saving money and building equity?  Who am I to suggest taking a year is not worth every single day, every single new city, new adventure, new people, new challenges and new opportunities to learn and grow is not worth it?  Who am I?
    I am your mother that will worry about you, will check your blog daily, will text your satellite number to make sure you are OK, safe, healthy and happy! 
    I am your mother that looks forward to having monthly dinner with you when I am in Edmonton… a nice excuse for a check in.  I am your mother that will miss you, miss your cooking, miss our shopping dates and on occasion, miss the mess you leave around the house!  Lol…
    At the end of the day, it’s OK for this momma to have mixed emotions.  On the right side of my brain, I am a tad envious and know you will have the best time of your lives…. And on the other side of my brain, I might be a little selfish and tell you, you better come back in one piece, safe and sound!  (and don’t do anything stupid) But at the end of the day, I know you know if there is ANYTHING you need, although it might be a bit more challenging than hopping in my car and driving 3.5 hours, your dad and I are always available, 24/7 and will do anything at any time to help you two!  Love you both to the moon and back, safe travels and can’t wait to see you on the beach Dec. 26th in Rio!  xxoo

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